2017 Bracketology Issue #2

AS: We promised you a Bracketology from the Guru earlier today and we certainly plan on delivering. With the Pool C debate very much up in the air, there are a couple of brackets that we would like to get to and we will get to them in the below bracketology. Most of the NCAA…

Regional Roundup – NWC Championships and Texas Friday Night Lights

Quick intro this week or else I won’t even have this out by the start of the Southwestern/Trinity. I know everyone is all up in arms about the UAA Championships this weekend, as they should be (Jason’s Deli and UAA banquet photos for the win), but we have other tennis going on across the country.…

Power Rankings, 4/21

I’m a bit upset about getting these out late, not only because I don’t like being late (actually I don’t really care) but the fact that I missed out on 4/20 Power Rankings jokes. We could have given a few teams that 420Boost, but alas, we are at a regular day now, so that means…

POTW: 04/10-04/16

REGIONAL PLAYERS OF THE WEEK: 04/10-04/16 Our blogger group chat has devolved (evolved?) (D3W: definitely evolved) into more talk about dogs than tennis over the last couple days weeks months. Apologies to our resident cat-man, D3RegNE/C, but I’m taking it a step further this week. Woof… A-SOUTH Player: Emerson Walsh Team: Johns Hopkins Results: 1-1…

2017 Power Rankings, 4/13 + 2 Announcements

Lyin' D3ASouth never keeps his promises. Said Power Rankings would come out in the morning. Will come out soon. Sad! — d3AtlanticSouth (@d3AtlanticSouth) April 13, 2017 Oops! I know I promised this way earlier. I also know I haven’t been at my desk all day to crank this out for you guys like Soulja Boy,…

2017 Bracketology – Edition #1

AS: Well, it’s about that time again. As you know, the Blog always has their sights on NCAAs, especially the man that some call The Guru. The Guru contacted me this week from his remote living quarters in the Tibetan Alps to inform me that a Bracketology must go out sometime this week. Not wanting…

Power Rankings, 4/6

Another edition of Power Rankings is here! While there has been a lot of big news about the DIII Recruiting Hub, Power Rankings continues to be #1 in many reader’s hearts. With the total craziness that was the most recent ITA Rankings, it seems more and more like Power Rankings are our place to go when it comes…

This Week In West: A SCIAC Showdown and a Texas Triad

Alright you worthless peons, I’ve got an upsetting amount of free-time on my hands, as I’m in between jobs at the moment (read: unemployed), which means I do what any self-respecting adult does when the chips are down, waste time on an unpaid leisure activity. I’ve been setting the NESCAC apologists straight in the comments of…

Power Rankings, 3/30

Yes, I know the date up there says 3/30. I got extremely busy with my day job yesterday, and was unable to post these Power Rankings. However, you were able to get the ITA Rankings, which you can find using the link at the top left of the site. As I listen to Ultra Music…

State of the Region Address: West

Because the inaugural regional rankings are forthcoming this week, and most teams’ Spring Breaks are now completed, I thought it was a good time for a state of the region address. I’m gonna start by taking a dive into the mess of results that make up the individual qualifiers in both singles and doubles, and…