Six Pack Preview of New England / West Regional Questions

Blog fam! As the summer winds down, I start to question what I’m doing with my life when I get home from work and don’t need to think about writing an article. Then, as teams start to have their first practices and I see Brad Gilbert tweeting pictures with Connecticut College during the US Open,…

Power Rankings, 5/4

I’ve spent most of my morning listening to the podcast with AVZ and Coach Browning of Emory, which is why these Power Rankings are going out a little bit late. If you would like to listen to the podcast, which you should, feel free to click the link below. Power Rankings aren’t going anywhere.…

4/27 Power Rankings

Another edition of Power Rankings are here, and this week we FINALLY had some movement in the Top 10! With a ton of upsets (check the ticker bruh!) this past week as well as the UAA Tournament completing, the top 10 got shuffled around a bit. We had a huge upset that we were able…

Regional Roundup – NWC Championships and Texas Friday Night Lights

Quick intro this week or else I won’t even have this out by the start of the Southwestern/Trinity. I know everyone is all up in arms about the UAA Championships this weekend, as they should be (Jason’s Deli and UAA banquet photos for the win), but we have other tennis going on across the country.…

Power Rankings, 4/21

I’m a bit upset about getting these out late, not only because I don’t like being late (actually I don’t really care) but the fact that I missed out on 4/20 Power Rankings jokes. We could have given a few teams that 420Boost, but alas, we are at a regular day now, so that means…

UAA vs. NESCAC By the Numbers!

I know all of you are reeling from this morning’s blog reveal, and shoutout to D3West aka CHB for his years of service here at the Blog. It certainly has been a good run so far (and still going) and I am proud to say that I’ve blogged alongside him for the better part of…

2017 Power Rankings, 4/13 + 2 Announcements

Lyin' D3ASouth never keeps his promises. Said Power Rankings would come out in the morning. Will come out soon. Sad! — d3AtlanticSouth (@d3AtlanticSouth) April 13, 2017 Oops! I know I promised this way earlier. I also know I haven’t been at my desk all day to crank this out for you guys like Soulja Boy,…

Regional Roundup – Mid-Season Review

Now that we are beyond the mid-season point and all of the writers have already come out with their mid-season reports, I wanted to throw my hat in the ring and give it a shot. D3RegionalNEC and D3West have already covered pretty much all of my teams, but I wanted to do some quick hitters…

Power Rankings, 4/6

Another edition of Power Rankings is here! While there has been a lot of big news about the DIII Recruiting Hub, Power Rankings continues to be #1 in many reader’s hearts. With the total craziness that was the most recent ITA Rankings, it seems more and more like Power Rankings are our place to go when it comes…

Regional Roundup – Week of 3/31

Alright squad, before I get into yet another regional roundup, let me praise myself for a second. My predictions have been on point lately, as I called the exact score of both the Whittier vs. Whitewater match and Lewis & Clark vs. Denison. If only my March Madness picks were half as good as my…