As promised, I’m back to give a quick run down of the possible NESCAC scenarios after today’s results. #4 Amherst def. #9 Williams 7-2, #5 Wesleyan def #18 Bates 8-1, and #7 Bowdoin def. #15 Tufts 5-4. Now that Saturday’s matches are taken care of, the number of hypothetical scenarios has been cut down dramatically. The matches with…


WARNING: What I’m about to attempt is a highly dangerous. Side effects include headaches, nausea, and angry comments about possible scenarios that I missed. Yes, there are still so many NESCAC scenarios that I’m sure I will miss something as I try to sift through all the muck that is the top of the conference…

4/27 Power Rankings

Another edition of Power Rankings are here, and this week we FINALLY had some movement in the Top 10! With a ton of upsets (check the ticker bruh!) this past week as well as the UAA Tournament completing, the top 10 got shuffled around a bit. We had a huge upset that we were able…

Power Rankings, 4/21

I’m a bit upset about getting these out late, not only because I don’t like being late (actually I don’t really care) but the fact that I missed out on 4/20 Power Rankings jokes. We could have given a few teams that 420Boost, but alas, we are at a regular day now, so that means…

NE Tuesday Recap

#29 (ITA-34) Brandeis def. #17 (ITA-22) MIT 7-2 How it happened:  Brandeis can sweep MIT and take a couple of random positions but probably not. — d3AtlanticSouth (@d3AtlanticSouth) April 18, 2017 Somehow this was oddly prophetic and bulletin board material at the same time. Good on D3AS for his method, but after a Brandeis…

UAA vs. NESCAC By the Numbers!

I know all of you are reeling from this morning’s blog reveal, and shoutout to D3West aka CHB for his years of service here at the Blog. It certainly has been a good run so far (and still going) and I am proud to say that I’ve blogged alongside him for the better part of…

2017 Power Rankings, 4/13 + 2 Announcements

Lyin' D3ASouth never keeps his promises. Said Power Rankings would come out in the morning. Will come out soon. Sad! — d3AtlanticSouth (@d3AtlanticSouth) April 13, 2017 Oops! I know I promised this way earlier. I also know I haven’t been at my desk all day to crank this out for you guys like Soulja Boy,…

Power Rankings, 4/6

Another edition of Power Rankings is here! While there has been a lot of big news about the DIII Recruiting Hub, Power Rankings continues to be #1 in many reader’s hearts. With the total craziness that was the most recent ITA Rankings, it seems more and more like Power Rankings are our place to go when it comes…

D3RegionalNEC’s Mid Season Report, Part II: The Northeast Region

Back again for part two of my midseason reports, this time focusing on the Northeast. I realize we’re well past mid-season at this point, especially for my teams, but with the weather finally beginning to improve a bit, it still feels like there’s a whole lot of tennis ahead of us.  Anyway, just like part…

Regional Roundup – Week of 3/31

Alright squad, before I get into yet another regional roundup, let me praise myself for a second. My predictions have been on point lately, as I called the exact score of both the Whittier vs. Whitewater match and Lewis & Clark vs. Denison. If only my March Madness picks were half as good as my…