What’s Happening in your NEC(k) of the Woods, Edition III (PLUS a Wash U-GAC preview)

Hello, world. It’s been a hot minute. Hope everyone is doing well as we try and shake from winter’s grasp and move towards spring and some outdoor tennis around the country! As I said on twitter, yes I’ve been somewhat quiet of late, but there haven’t been a ton of notable matches going on lately.…

Power Rankings, 3/19

Power Rankings did not come out last week. This is my fault. I am making it up to you guys today, as we will have our Power Rankings early in the week. We will also have Power Rankings later in the week, so you can refresh after some more matches. What a time to be…

Players of the Week: 2/27-3/5

REGIONAL PLAYERS OF THE WEEK: 02/26-03/05 INTRO: There has been some fierce debate in the Blogger group chat about the merits (or lack thereof) of Olive Garden. Most of the bloggers are strongly opposed, but there are a couple pro-breadstick writers who won’t let the debate die. We decided to leave it up to you, and…

Power Rankings, 3/5

I will admit that this was supposed to go out last week, but due to unforeseen circumstances, we will be posting our Power Rankings early this week in order to soothe your concerns. Note that this should be taking into account most of the action that happened this past weekend, but given the timing there…

What’s Happening in your NEC(k) of the Woods, Edition 1

Happy Valentines Day! What better way to spend tonight than writing about D3Tennis? (Don’t answer that.)  I’m here to take a quick look back at what happened last weekend and also point out some things to watch for this weekend, as the D3 season really starts to get rolling.   Last weekend’s results Case Western…

2018 Season Preview: North Coast Athletic Conference

This year I’ve really taken my gift-giving to the next level. I’ve been giving family things that they’ll love, but that I will also benefit from. For my brother, he’s getting a gift card to a steakhouse, which he will likely invite me to join him at. I got my dad a pair of tickets…

Central Region Top Dogs: Fall Review

Wowza, sorry for the tardiness on this y’all – a combination of responsibilities and those ridiculously talented kids on Stranger Things really set me back. Woo…the sprint of Fall Tennis has finally passed and now it’s time to look back and see how the top central teams have fared. No tournament or moment encapsulates the…

10 of D3RegionalNEC’s Random Thoughts from the Fall

Yo, long time no talk. Sorry, folks. Not a ton has really gone on though. To steal a favorite blogger inside joke, WHAT WOULD WE EVEN TALK ABOUT? The answer is probably not much, but that changes today. To finish out the fall season and wrap things up a bit, I’ve put together a listicle…

Power Rankings, 10/5

Welcome back to a blog favorite, Power Rankings! Now that ITAs are over, the writers have again come together to shoot the sh*t on a google document and rank the top 42 teams from Division III Tennis. We have information now from ITAs and can form initial power rankings based on the individual performances that…