2019 Power Rankings, 3/4 Edition

Hi all! I was late with Power Rankings last week because the blogger team slacked off. I am not to blame at all and no blame should be placed on me. For comments and concerns, please direct them to my lawyer, D3RegionalNEC. All other concerns, please direct to my “fixer” D3RegionalASouth. Here are your Power Rankings for the past week. Note that this weekend’s boring slate of matches were not taken into account as these are of last Friday. Come at me bro.

ASouth, OUT.

4 thoughts on “2019 Power Rankings, 3/4 Edition

  1. :I

    How long till you guys change the TU Logo? Outdated for a few years now

    1. D3AtlanticSouth

      *old man yells at clouds*


  2. MidwestSentinel

    Woot! Woot! Nice to see UW WW in the Rankings. Frank knows his stuff. Recruit, develop…repeat.

  3. AnonymousAnonymous

    How is Oberlin still in the power rankings lol.

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