2018 Power Rankings, 4.5

There’s a few things that I need you to be aware about on this beautiful April 5th. They are listed out below:

  • We are in the thick of things for the DIII Tennis Season. There’s a ton to write about and we are getting articles out on the DAILY for your reading pleasure.
  • D3NE’s hot takes in this article are simply not very good.
  • D3Regional has not written an article all year because he is struggling with his free throw form due to an unknown shoulder injury that we haven’t disclosed properly. There have been twitter videos of him shooting free throws at practice and that is all the news we have on him.
  • This article from NewD3Central ranks as one of the best of the year in my opinion.
  • We will not confirm any Amherst news until it is confirmed by either enough people with enough details or by the school itself.
  • Applebee’s Dollar Margaritas are back for the month of April. Good looks.
  • BTFD
  • Per popular request, we have now added a Google Doc of ALL D3 RANKED RESULTS. This is very exciting! You can also find the link in the blogroll on the top left of the site.

Now, for your Power Rankings. As always, I keep things simple.

ASouth, OUT.

2 thoughts on “2018 Power Rankings, 4.5

  1. D3Fan

    I am confused.

    D3Regional, how can you rank Williams above Chicago when Chicago beat them directly?

    And NewD3Central, how can you rank CMS three spots above Williams when Williams beat them directly or rank CMS two spots above Chicago when Chicago beat Williams and Williams beat CMS?

    1. NewD3Central

      Hmmmmm how did that happen?
      I think that I may have underestimated and undervalued Williams’ victory over CMS because of their loss to a less than complete U Chicago team earlier that week, and I wanted to avoid being a prisoner of the moment so much so that I leaned on my conception of a d3 Big Four and ranked accordingly. I concede that I was being too cautious in my rankings and probably should have stayed truer to week-to-week results rather than trying to fit weekly results into a framework designed at the season’s genesis. So…how did I rank CMS above Williams and Chicago?
      I believe my judgement was clouded by a hesitance to drop one of my Big Four Pillars out of the top 4, irregardless of the results…I’ll do a better job next time around and thanks for bringing this to my/our attention.


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