This Week in Highlights, 3/7!

You thought you had gotten rid of me and D3Tree, but we’re here to stay. This week in Highlights is back, featuring a few crazy shots, some crazy people, and just general craziness.  Take a break from the craziness of your life to watch some DIII Tennis players provide entertainment for your Tuesday pleasure. I wish I could post a blog group chat argument between me and D3West in this, but that was vetoed. So close!

By the way, we’ll post any highlights that you got, as I mentioned last week. This week I won a dance off against D3Northeast. If we weren’t anonymous, I would post it in TWIH.  Let’s get to the highlights.

Here’s how I generally feel about This Week in Highlights. Shoutout to Adrian College, hit us with a dab next.  Can we make this dude have a weekly segment here? Honestly, I’ve seen better moves at a Bar Mitzvah.

Here, we have a Poet hitting a drop shot. How beautiful!

Looks like Andy Roddick just hit the court for Piedmont… 119 mph bruh.  Let’s get some more submissions next week from our big servers yea?

Let’s go to the beach for this next one. Look at this dude in the middle all hunched over and booking it. Is that a man bun over that I see? My gosh. Also, dude in the red cap, we need a better effort next time. Hot damn.

We love clinchers, and here’s Sewanee Tennis clinching a hard fought match over the W&L Generals. Notch it in the history books, that’s three in a row.

Here’s some terrible footage of a between the legs shot from Zach Lane of Grinnell College.

PSA to all the people videoing for This Week in Highlights, stop videoing in portrait orientation. It’s just wrong. ASouth, OUT.

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